NOF Technologies

  • Computers & Technology
25 W. Avery St.
Pensacola, FL 32501
(850) 434-8600
(800) 368-2315
(850) 434-8600 (fax)
Normal business hours are 8am to 5pm Central Time Zone
Operational coverage 24x7
  • About

    Founded in 1986, NOF Technologies provides managed IT and Cybersecurity services to a nationwide customer base with the simple focus of providing exceptional customer service and taking care of people - "our clients, our team, and our community".

    NOF designs, installs, manages and maintains various types of network infrastructures and provides secure data backups and cloud services, Voice over IP and cybersecurity monitoring. Experienced cybersecurity company to meet all your business needs, security and certification requirements to include CMMC as a registered RPO. No company is too large or too small to request NOF services.