Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking event focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion in our local area. Our panelists, who are leaders and experts in their fields, will come together to discuss and shed light on the crucial aspects of fostering a more inclusive and equitable community. Doors open at 11 am and the program starts at 11:30 am.
Moderator: Robin Reshard, Kukua Institute
Marcus McBride, CareerSource Escarosa
Hong Potomski, Florida Blue
Sandra Donaldson, Donaldson Edge Advocacy
Thank you to our Title Sponsor.
Thank you to our Gold Sponsors: Navy Federal Credit Union and Pensacola News Journal
Thank you to our Silver Sponsor: LandrumHR
Thank you to our Table Sponsors: Anglin Reichman Armstrong, Baptist Health Care, Florida Blue, Bill Sheffield Realty, Moorhead Law Group, Florida Power & Light, Pen Air Credit Union, Visit Pensacola