FREE - Pensacola Habitat for Humanity Block Party + Open House

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Name: FREE - Pensacola Habitat for Humanity Block Party + Open House
Date: February 22, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM CST
Event Description:
Pensacola Habitat for Humanity invites you to a Block Party & Open House to welcome our newest neighbors to the community! This event is free and open to everyone in the community! Explore FIVE beautifully built homes within the Massachusetts Ave. cul-de-sac, learn about our programs, and discover how you can get involved or apply to purchase a home like these through Pensacola Habitat for Humanity! Enjoy a day filled with family friendly activities including yard games, entertainment, raffles and food trucks! A special home dedication ceremony will take place at 11 a.m. It is an open house so come and go as you please. Celebrate community, connection, and the joy of homeownership with Pensacola Habitat for Humanity! **Please park at 5040 Mobile Hwy, Pensacola, FL 32506. There will be an entrance to the cul-de-sac from that parking lot. SPONSORSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE! IF INTERESTED, EMAIL SPONSOR@PENSACOLAHABITAT.ORG TODAY!
Cul de sac on Massachusetts Ave. 2695 Massachusetts Ave Pensacola, Florida 32505
Date/Time Information:
Feb 22 / 10am-2pm
Contact Information: 850-434-5456
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