The Inaugural AlltogetHer event is for women attendees to connect directly with influential women in all sectors of the Greater Pensacola community. This hosted gathering will allow open, productive conversation in an intimate group format, led by influencHERS. These influencHERS are local, established professional women who have vast experience in a variety of fields. You do not want to miss the chance to attend!
AlltogetHer is limited to the first 70 attendees!
Thank you to our Title Sponsor, Carlan Consulting.
Thank you to our Gold Sponsors: Institute for Women in Politics, Pensacola News Journal, Titanium Wireless and Windcreek.
Thank you to our Silver Sponsors: Gilmore, International Paper, Bella Magazine, and Vivid Bridge Studios.
Thank you to our Mimosa Bar Sponsor, Pensacola Beach RV Resort.
Thank you to our Table Swag Sponsor, Beck Partners.
Thank you to our Coffee Sponsor, Mrs. Jones Cold Brew
When: Thursday, February 2, 2023
Where: Pensacola County Club
Time: 8:30am-3:00pm